
Shipping Policy

All orders will be packed and shipped within 24 hours of placement depending on national holidays. All orders placed before 3 pm will be shipped out on the same day depending on national holidays. Once orders have been shipped, customers will receive a verification which allows customers to track their order. If you have any additional questions about our shipping policy, please contact us at (207) 510-1229 or email us at customerservice@familyseafoodmaine.com.

Same Day Pick Up Policy

All same day pick up orders are to be picked up by customer by 5 pm EST. If any orders are not picked up 50% of payment will be refunded to customer and order will be canceled. If you have any additional questions regarding the same day pick up policy, please contact us at (207) 510-1229 or email us at customerservice@familyseafoodmaine.com.

Payment Policy

After you have purchased an order, credit card information will not be saved in an effort to keep your information secure. Customer credit card information remain private after orders are complete to best protect customer’s privacy. Credit card information will be obtained at the time of processing purchases, refunds, and returns. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.


Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our primary concern, if for any reason you have received a damaged or spoiled product please reach us via phone (207) 510-1229 or email us as soon as possible. For refunds to occur customers must contact us on the day of delivery. For returns to be approved, photographs of the product must be emailed to customerservice@familyseafoodmaine.com to show proof of damaged or spoiled product.

Customer Information Policy

Maintaining your privacy is of utmost importance. We ensure that none of your information is shared with any third party retailers. Customer information is confidential and only used when dealing with purchasing of products or issuing refunds.